Seven Realities of Experiencing God: First Three Realities

Jesus said, “And this is the way to have eternal life–to know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the One You sent to earth” (John 17:3). The heart of eternal life and the heart of his study is for you to KNOW GOD and to KNOW JESUS CHRIST whom He has sent. Knowing God does not come through a program or a method. It is an intimate relationship with a person (Jesus Christ). It is an intimate love relationship with God. Through this relationship, God reveals His will and invites you to join Him where He is already at work. As you follow Jesus one day at a time, He will keep you right in the center of God’s will. When you obey, God accomplishes through you something only He can do. Then you come to KNOW GOD in a more intimate way by EXPERIENCING GOD at work through you.