Audio of our FRC praise band is currently available on our You Tube channel if you’d like to get an idea of the type songs we do. However, before you go, let us take this opportunity to share our thoughts and convictions about worship and our calling as worship leaders:

We believe what we do as a worship team should set the tone in the room, so to speak. It’s our goal every week to create an atmosphere that shouts “WELCOME!” to the Spirit of God and draws people into a spiritual state of “WOW!” as they are reminded of God’s greatness.  Sunday worship at FRC never fails to bless our hearts and make us feel extremely grateful that we were there to experience it. We have a full band that includes keyboards, guitars, drums, and vocalists; and the words to the songs we do each week are visible via dynamic Pro-presenter presentations. Our congregants clap, shout, and sing along with us at the top of their lungs, because we play it loud, present it with passion, and mean it from the depth of our hearts! GOD IS WORTHY OF OUR PRAISE!!!