
The finish line in the journey of life begins with the first step of commitment to Jesus as YOUR personal Lord and Savior. In every service we invite people who have never made this commitment to do so, and our members are always encouraged to share the reality of Christ everywhere they go.


People may come to a church for many reasons, but the reason they stay is because they get connected to the body. Christ-centered relationships promote accountable lifestyles, support teams, and a sense of “family.” Therefore, it is extremely important that connection to the Body of Christ be made.


Learning and practicing the teachings of Jesus leads to lasting peace and true happiness in Christ. In every area of ministry at Freedom River, we strive to teach God’s Word, the Bible, as the flawless, relevant handbook for everyday life.


It is our conviction that God has called us to lead this body of Spirit-filled Believers to be His army of “salt and light” in this dying world. Whether it’s around the globe, down the street, or across a dining room table, every Believer is called to go and spread the good news of Jesus Christ.